Zaproszenie na Kongresie Ekonomii Wartości Open Eyes Economy Summit, online, 17-18 listopada 2020 r.
Category: Nasze plany
US Post Election Webinar Copy
We invite you to a unique meeting with Experts
We invite you to a unique meeting with Experts
NordicTalks Sustainable Fashion Days 2020
We invite You to registration for Nordic Talks dedicated to Sustainable Fashion.
Obowiązek notyfikacji pracowników i firm działających w Niderlandach Copy
Head over the water – getting out of “corona 1st wave
Is there a recovery plan for enterprises and where to address to if you are an international company active in the Netherlands?
How has the demand of the Dutch market changed during last 2-3 months?”
Online – PCCNL coffee meeting. Business in the age of COVID-19
All PCCNL Members are invited to join our networking meeting over (their own) coffee, on Thursday, April 9
at 16.00.
Networking Wine Tasting in Breda – postponed!
In connection with COVID-19 the event shall be postponed. The new date shall be communicated ASAP. A good news: the wine will grew elder and tastier!
COVID-19 info
In connection with COVID-19 PCCNL is working online. You can reach PCCNL by e-mail or by leaving a message.