Thank You for Your kind interest as a future Member of Polish Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands.
Please fill in the form attached below. The final application form shall be sent to You by e-mail.

Address of the Headquarter

Contact person

Number of employees

 1-10 11-100 101+

Turnover in euro

 0 – 100,000 100,000 – 5,000,000 5,000,000 +

Membership fee (please tick the sector Your company belongs to); registration fee for each New Member 250 EUR net + NL VAT 21%

 The Club of Small Entrepreneur. New formula of membership (START-UP / ASPIRANT) comprises the membership fee of 200 EUR net + NL VAT 21% and is designated for those who act as a one-person-firm (micro enterprise with no Employees) or as a start-up, with yearly turn over lower than 75 000 EUR. New Member can make use of such a new formula once during a period no longer than 2 years and without a right to vote. BASIC, EUR 400 net + NL VAT 21%, 0-10 employees and/or turnover per year: EUR 0 – 100,000 STANDARD, EUR 1,000 net + NL VAT 21% 11-100 employees and/or turnover per year: EUR 100,001-5,000,000 PREMIUM, EUR 2000 net + NL VAT 21%, 101+ employees and/or turnover per year EUR 5,000,001 SPONSOR, EUR 4,000 net + NL VAT 21% PARTNER, exceptional situations, agreement to be found

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