Corporate Social Responsibility webinar

The Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Embassy of the Polish Republic in the Hague welcomes all Small and Medium-Sized Enterpreneurs
engaging in business operations in the Kingdom of the Netherlands to attend a webinar on CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility.

Would you like to become efficient in competing against Dutch suppliers? It is worth to learn how to RESPONSIBLY operate a business in the Netherlands!

Date: 15 lipca 2016 r.

Time: 11.00-12.30

Webinar moderator: Ms. Jacqueline Kacprzak, Counsellor to the Minister at the Minister’s Office of the Ministry of Development

If interested in attending the webinar, please e-mail us at no later than July 12th 2016, 12.00 noon.

You will be e-mailed directly with login details and relevant link to access all the information.

Jacqueline Kacprzak
Counsellor to the Minister, Minister’s Office, Ministry of Development. Responsible for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/RBC) issues and for co-operation with stakeholders. Represents Poland in the High-Level Group for CSR/RBC at the European Commission, and in the Corporate Social Responsibility Group operating as part of the Investment Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Human rights, equal opportunities, and diversity expert. Member of the “Social Reports” and “Green Frog” competition juries. Member of the Committee for Supervising the Translation of the GRI G4 non-financial reporting standard into the Polish language.Former employee of i.a. the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Microfinance Center, and the Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights. Radio and TVP journalist for many years. Several years of experience in running her own business.

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